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Details for Austin Volunteer Fire Department
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Website - http://www.avfd44.com

Potter County Station 44, Austin, PA 16720. Serving the community since 1888.

Information about Austin Volunteer Fire Department

The Austin Volunteer Fire Company, located in Potter County, Pennsylvania is responsible for fire protection, rescue services, and emergency medical services to our community and surrounding communities. We are also referred to as Station 44. The Austin Volunteer Fire Company has decided to make a website (www.avfd44.com) as an additional means to educate our local communities as to who we are, what we do, to encourage support, and to make people of the community more interested in joining with our company. The emergency services, as provided by the Austin Volunteer Fire Company, are not provided by paid personnel; but by your neighbors and friends who carry pagers and when an emergency arises, they respond, with out thinking twice. Our members respond at a moments notice, which interrupts their family functions, a warm meal, sleep, and even jobs. Our members put their lives on hold, and when in need. While our time and services are free, our equipment and training are not, and we depend on your generous donations and support to keep our facility and equipment up and running.

Traffic statistics for Austin Volunteer Fire Department