
Seven Counties, One Brotherhood.


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Details for Vernon Central Hose Company
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Website - http://www.vernoncentral.com

Crawford County Station 23, Meadville, PA 16335.

Information about Vernon Central Hose Company

Vernon Central Hose Company provides not only fire and rescue services but quick medical response to our residents.
Our department runs over 400 incidents a year with nearly 30 personnel. We cover 68.2 square miles in Vernon and
Union Townships and protect about 7,500 people with 3 engines, 1 heavy rescue, 1 utility truck and a Suburban for
EMS incidents. Vernon Township is primarily commercial, residential and some light industrial while Union Township is mainly residential and rural. ISO ratings: Vernon - 5 and Union - 8. This translates into better property values and insurance costs. And we strive to improve these numbers each year, creating more benefits for the residents we serve.

Traffic statistics for Vernon Central Hose Company